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Every Easter I visit my family and cousins in the village. It's full of fun. Easter Monday is a funny day but only in case if you are not a girl. There are many groups of boys in the street from early morning till noon. Me and my friends go from home to home.When we come into a girl's house we try to find her because she is usually hiding somewhere. When we find her, we beat girls with plaited willow and pour some water on the girl. Small boys say various traditional rhymes while doing this. Then they pour their parfume on the gril's hair. The girl gives us some cakes, chocolate Easter eggs or painted eggs, or even some money. Some boys are offered by alcohol, so after 10 or 15 visites they are drunk. I really enjoy our families " Easter in easter". In folk culture, the Easter egg was a magical symbol of life and spring. The favourite color for eggs was red - the colour of blood and life.