
Slovenská verzia:
Projekt je sa spája s prioritou „Partnerstvo". Cieľom je nadviazať dlhodobé partnerstvo medzi školami na Slovensku a vo Fínsku a získavať tak nové poznatky. Týmto krokom chceme prispieť k rozvoju európskych ciest odbornej prípravy, ktorú absolvujú študenti v členskom štáte EÚ. Chceme tak podporiť spoluprácu medzi školami a podnikmi, čím sa zvyšuje efektívnosť a kvalita odbornej prípravy. Prispieva to k odbornému rastu študentov a dáva im možnosť oboznámiť sa s novými technológiami v lektrotechnike.
V rámci rozvíjania partnerských vzťahov sme zapojili do tohto projektu aj partnerskú školu - Strednú priemyselnú školu s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským v Košiciach, ktorá má na veľmi dobrej úrovni rozvinutý odbor elektrotechnika. Je to pre nás nový druh partnerstva. Poskytli sme príležitosť na nadviazanie nového partnerstva aj študentom maďarskej národnosti z Košického kraja. Týmto narastá internacionálny rozmer tohto partnerstva.

Výsledky :


English version:

Project is connected with the priority "Partnership". Its aim is to create a long-term partnership between schools in Slovakia and in Finland and to gain new knowledge. In this manner we want to contribute to the development of European vocational education pathways. Students will take part in it in the EU member state. We want to support a co-operation between schools and enterprises to raise the effectiveness and the quality of vocational education. This contributes to the students` professional growth and gives them an opportunity to familiarize with new technologies in electrotechnics.Within developing the partnership relations we joined into this project our partner school SPŠ with Hungarian language in Košice. It has very well developed the branch of study - electrotechnics. For us it is a new kind of partnership and thus we offered an opportunity to make a new partnership for students of Hungarian national minority from Košice region. This developes an international frame of the partnership.

Planned results:
  • New information technologies.
  • Practical training for students at fully automatic line for embeding boards of printed circuit.
  • Programming of automats.
  • Participation of another school from Slovakia (participation of the national minority - SPŠ with Hungarian language in Košice)
  • Elaboration of four language dictionary with basic phrases and words (SVK-ENG-FIN-HUN).
  • Reciprocity in the project -Finnish partner took part in the similar 4-week placement in our school (SPŠE Košice) and in companies Globtel and Slovak Telecommunications in Košice.
  • Broad dissemination of the project results (press media in Slovakia and in Finland, TV, Radio).
  • Co-operation in education of the secondary school students - opportunity to do trainings in the workplaces under the supervision of experienced tutor in POWERIA company, with the opportunity to co-operate in solving particular tasks usable in practice.
  • Co-operation between schools in Košice and Kemijärvi.